Sayulita is a place where dreams come true, where desires are transformed into realities with a stroll down the beach or a walk around the corner. People bring their fantasies here, and make them real: flying through the canopy, surfing a perfect wave, galloping down the beach on horseback—or simply lying in a hammock under a coconut tree, without a care in the world. Sayulita is a place where anything is possible, where imagination can run wild, where freedom defines reality. Let your imagination lead you into our Mexican dreamland.
Not for Everybody
Take a path apart from the herd. Dream virgin waves, find them, ride them. This is Sayulita…is it for you?
Explore Your Desires
Let imagination move you as you explore the streets and byways, the trails and shores; find what you seek in a secret shop where the Day of the Dead comes to life, or where a surfboard gleams with your name writ upon it.
Map your path
Walk a beachfront road—discover a trail that tracks into a jungle ravine where butterflies float on a warm breeze; turn a street corner—find seven restaurants to choose from; look down the block—shops with clothes from the far corners of the earth.
Hammock or Palace
Sayulita’s most stylish people often spend their nights swaying in hammocks in coconut grove campgrounds, while more than a few of our scruffiest-looking citizens live in hilltop homes the size of a prince’s palace.
Warm Sea, Hot Sun
In winter’s depths the sea stays warm, the sun still hot, toasty enough to work the chill out of your north country bones as you ease into a balmy tropical climate…this is Sayulita.