Monday,30 Sep 2013
The rainy season brings many things to Sayulita, among them plentiful ripe papayas. Although the fruit ripens year-round in Mexico, they seem to be particularly abundant this summer. > Read more

Wednesday,25 Sep 2013
This article is about Grupo Pro Sayulita, a local organization far better known to full- and part-time residents of Sayulita than it is to tourists. Oh yeah, right, some locals say, they’re the guys who throw that posh fundraiser every spring and take all our money. For what? Well, for plenty—and much of what they do affects short term visitors as well, so this story is for all of you out there, residents and visitors alike. GPS has been in existence for 7 years now, has about 200 current members, and has evolved into Sayulita’s go-to organization for getting things done. > Read more

Monday,23 Sep 2013
Along with great seafood, Mexican food, Italian food, American food, and all kinds of other food, Sayulita these days is also graced with plentiful health food outlets. Among these health food spots are a number of smoothy stands and restaurants, which we are going to occasionally feature in the blog. > Read more

Saturday,21 Sep 2013
Rainy season weather can be all over the place in Sayulita, but almost every day brings at least one spectacular event in the sky, be it sunrise or sunset, a thunderstorm or a cloud so tall it looks like some god or other taking anthropomorphic form before our very eyes. > Read more

Tuesday,17 Sep 2013
Right smack in the middle of the passage of tropical storm Manuel, which recently hit us but not very hard, came September 16th, Mexico’s Independence Day, with attendant celebration. Since the 16th fell on Monday, the party took place on Sunday night, and as always, in Sayulita the plaza was the scene of the action. > Read more

Sunday,15 Sep 2013
There’s no getting around it: this has been a slow summer for surf here in Sayulita. Day after day we head down to the beach or look out our windows to see what the ocean is offering up. Too often, it has been too much of nothing. A couple of days of decent waves here and there, and that has been just about it. The flat water is perfect for paddling and swimming, but for surfing, no, not so great. > Read more

Friday,13 Sep 2013
The other day after spending a little time on the beach clean up we wandered into town in search of food. This seems like a simple enough task, but seriously, on a rainy day in September, when even the people that are here appear to not quite be here, Sayulita is not the restaurant mecca that it is, say, on a Saturday night in January or a Tuesday afternoon in March. In short, there isn’t much going on, and without anyone to buy their food, many restaurants are closed for the month, while others are operating on skeleton staff with food that unfortunately at times reflects this. > Read more

Tuesday,10 Sep 2013
Sayulita’s beaches can get trashed during the rainy season. I mean literally—when the rain hits hard, garbage of all kinds gets washed down our several seasonal streams and ends up in the bay and then up on the beach. So the occasional cleanups organized by various groups are always welcome, and also serve as a great way to get people involved in the community. > Read more

Friday,6 Sep 2013
After surfing, yoga is perhaps the most compelling physical activity that brings visitors to Sayulita. Year-round, there are workshops, retreats, classes, and sessions devoted to just about every kind of yoga under the sun. Even now, in the slowest weeks of the low season, several local teachers are offering classes daily. > Read more

Monday,2 Sep 2013
If Sayulita’s town beach starts to feel a little…busy, and you’re looking to do a little exploring, maybe take the kids on a slightly untouristy adventure, there are plenty of safe and sane options in the neighborhood, ranging from busy little towns like San Pancho to the north and Anclote to the south, to less trafficked beaches like, well, this one: Punta Negra. > Read more