Monday,28 Jan 2013
Sayulita’s Mercado del Pueblo continues its evolution into an integral part of the community, which has not necessarily been easy. In the past two years Manager Lina Weisman has moved the market from Sayulita’s downtown Casa de Cultura to Calle Pelicanos by the river to an empty lot by the delegado’s office on Calle Miramar, where things appeared to be set, at least for this season–until the lot abruptly was sold and construction on a hotel began about two weeks ago. > Read more

Thursday,24 Jan 2013
This is another installation in the informal ongoing series of blogs on birds we watch from our balcony here on Sayulita’s north side. There is a dead tree in the back end of the schoolyard across the street from our house, and like the lineated woodpecker we featured a few weeks ago, these fuzzy-headed Mexican woodpeckers are enjoying a bug and larva feast, working the trunk and branches of this tree. These particular birds are known as Golden-Cheeked Woodpeckers (Centurus chrysogenys). > Read more

Tuesday,22 Jan 2013
Tripping from Sayulita to Anclote at Punta Mita is a great way to spend a day away from town. It’s a beach, but it’s different. The waves are different, the boats are different, the town behind the beach is different, and the scenery is markedly different, since you are looking across the Bay of Banderas rather than straight out to the open sea as you are here in Sayulita. > Read more

Saturday,19 Jan 2013
SIETE LUNAS is a place with a private beach front, protected by hills covered with tropical vegetation, with nature, safe and comfortable, clean air, beautiful rooms and a relaxed atmosphere. Located on the Pacific Coast, Riviera Nayarit, 40 minutes from Puerto Vallarta International Airport.

Saturday,19 Jan 2013
This is strictly anecdotal, since I am no bird scientist, avian census-taker, or otherwise deeply versed in the ways of sea-birds, but this season I have seen more brown pelicans around Sayulita than I have in years. Fishermen will tell you it means there are a lot of fish around, since that is what they eat, diving down into a school of fish with their huge beaks open to scoop fish into their gullets. > Read more

Thursday,17 Jan 2013
This week has been a wild one on the Sayulita sea, with heavy, wind-driven swells powering in, breaking much farther out at sea than we are accustomed to. People have been surfing these crazy waves, huge rights breaking along the north beach, left tubes barreling out front of Don Pedro’s. We know it’s not the best weather for visitors, but it sure makes for high drama on the ocean—and on shore as well, where there have been ultra high and low tides swooping in and out. > Read more

Wednesday,9 Jan 2013
Everyone knows that Sayulita is a major surfing town, with a number of really talented wave-riders among the local population. Naturally the kids here are eagerly following in the footsteps of the current generation. Many of these kids, boys and girls alike, are already riding waves like pros. > Read more

Tuesday,1 Jan 2013
The rain is falling in Sayulita today. Strange weather. For those of us who live here, it is rather pleasant to have grey skies and rain falling for a change. All that January sunshine can just wear you out. The last time it rained in January in Sayulita was years ago, far enough in the past that there are many among us who have never seen it. No dust, no heat, no watering the plants. No sun. > Read more

Tuesday,1 Jan 2013
We’ve had some uncharacteristically gray weather this week, but it didn’t slow things down one bit. The town filled up on Christmas Day and has been full ever since, with a lively, colorful mix of Mexican and American visitors. The hotels, houses, trailer park, and campgrounds are all full to overflowing—hey, its’ Christmas vacation!–and a few dozen hardy young souls even camped out in tents on the beach. The camping was fine until early in the morning on New Year’s Day, when a seldom-seen-in-January rain started falling. Coupled with a power outage that lasted much of New Year’s Eve day, this rain turned your usual New Year’s Even into an unpredictable event: who knew what next, with weird weather and intermittent electricity. > Read more