Tuesday,26 Feb 2013
Sayulita’s annual celebration of itself and its own history, Sayulita Days, has just come to an end. Originally known as the Feast of the Ejido, the weeklong bash was started over 50 years ago by the leaders of the village to honor the town’s birth. These days, the party includes a visit from a traveling carnival, rodeos, equestrian performances, concerts in the rodeo arena, and the Sunday morning parade, for many the highlight of the week. > Read more

Monday,18 Feb 2013
Here’s one of my very favorite local birds: these awesome beauties are known as Black-throated Magpie Jays (Latin name Calocitta Formosa colliei), and they are truly one of the most strikingly beautiful species of bird in the area, primarily due to their bright blue coloring, and especially their long, elegant tails, which flow behind them, rippling in the wind as they fly. They live in the drier lowland scrub forests from Sonora all the way down to Colima, according to one source, although others say the Bahia Banderas region is their primary habitat. > Read more

Friday,15 Feb 2013
Often if you walk Sayulita’s beach early in the morning, you’ll see a couple of surf fishermen, locals and/or visitors, out there, flinging their lures as far into the waves as they can. You also see another kind of fisherman—a Mexican with a hand-held net, stalking baitfish along the shore. There are several of these guys who seem to have attained a high level of expertise in this specific type of fishing—they don’t just fling their nets randomly, but instead they watch for and stalk the fish, and then when they spot their prey they quickly fling the net out, and almost always catch something. They’re usually hunting mullet, but there are also perch and a few other kinds of fish in close to shore, and its all fair game if you’re hunting bait. > Read more

Wednesday,13 Feb 2013
Casa Toscana is a charming, new, Italian/Mexican-style 2 bed / 2 bath casita (Sleeps 2-4) located on quiet Calle Coral, w/ air conditioning and pool. Short walk to plaza or beach.

Monday,11 Feb 2013
The streets of Sayulita are colorful, lively, and a pleasure to walk, whether you’re window-shopping, people-watching, or just out for a mind-clearing stroll (say, to the tienda to restock the refrigerator with beer and mangoes). The thing is, at times the sheer busyness of the downtown streets, and even the beach, can be a little overwhelming, and at times like these, when you want a quiet moment, there are several places to go. The beach at Los Muertos, or the north end of the North Sayulita beach are two reliably quiet spots. Another option is a stroll down a dirt path into the jungle, where you can pleasantly get lost in the green shade. > Read more

Saturday,9 Feb 2013
Tucked like a hidden gem behind the owner’s home, Casitas Tortugas exudes peace and tranquility. Upon arrival you will be greeted by family members who will guide you along a meandering path to your casita, your home away from home.

Wednesday,6 Feb 2013
Vacation rentals and unit sales in a four building luxury condominium resort a block to Sayulita’s north end beach and minutes from downtown, with fascinating ocean views, rooftop gardens, and infinity pools.

Tuesday,5 Feb 2013
Whichever team you were rooting for, Sayulita or San Ignacio…whoops, I mean, San Francisco or Baltimore, there was no better place in town, or perhaps on the entire west coast of the north American continent, to watch to the Superbowl on Sunday than the rooftop bar at the Sayulita Public House here in town. With pubmeister Storm Richardson grilling burgers down on the street, a pot of chili on the stove, the beer, tequila and wine flowing, and spirits high as we all watched TV with another technicolor sunset backlighting the video screen, it was awesome in that weird way that artificially lit and powered TV can be, colliding with the far more visually intense reality of the natural world here. > Read more