Trail Horse Ride
The jungled hills and verdant vales that surround and shelter Sayulita are laced with trails, and there are horses aplenty to be ridden. You can begin or end with a canter down the beach, even splashing into the waves on horseback. Along with everything else—surfers, fishermen, tourists, hippies–Sayulita is a cowboy town, a rancho town, and there are expert caballeros aplenty to get you on a horse and take you and your friends and family deep into the jungle or up into the hills. The secret network of Sayulita trails awaits the seeker of equestrian adventure.
Best places
Hotel Playa Escondida (329 291 3019, playa-escondida.com) provides horses and guides for beach and jungle trail rides
Rancho Manuel (322-132-7683), with caballeros to lead you, offers beach and forest trail rides around Sayulita
Rancho Manuel
Rancho Manuel offers you horseback riding, sports fishing, day tours to Islas Marietas, whale/dolfin watching (during season), and special events.