Come Semana Santa, Easter Week and Mexico’s biggest holiday, and Sayulita’s long, beautiful northside beach turns into one big camping fiesta, with party-minded college students and other folks from every part of Mexico hitting the sands—not only here but everywhere there’s a beach in Mexico.
It’s a national tradition for city people to head for the shore at Easter, not just college kids on the party circuit but extended families as well. Sayulita just happens to be one of the places the kids want to be. You can be part of the Semana Santa craziness if big-time partying happens to be your thing–or you can choose a less busy time. In those quieter times, most of the year, Sayulita’s campground, on the north side of town in a coconut grove right on the beach fronting the waves, is hands down the best budget option around. Pitch a tent and get into your surf groove.