For those whose preferred method of cruising the surface of the sea is the kayak, Sayulita is a perfect destination, with plenty of lightweight kayaks available for rent up and down the town beach. Even better, there are wonderfully appealing places to paddle: around the corner to Playa Los Muertos, around the more distant Punta Sayulita to Playas Carracitos, Escondida, and other coves and secret beaches to the south. Or head north to Malpaso or even all the way to San Pancho. Take a picnic and find a secret beach to call your own, or take a pole and head straight out to sea. Perhaps, if the season is right, a whale or a pod of dolphins will swim past and say hello.
Paddle a boat
Patricia’s (329-291-2070, capitanpablo.com) rents kayaks along with everything else, on the beach in front of the waves